Unshared Authorship (2012) – [fra]

Lorsque je fais un travail dans l’espace public je dois me confronter à la question de la ‘responsabilité d‘auteur’, surtout s’il s’agit d’un travail où je réside sur place, comme je le ferai bientôt avec le “Gramsci Monument”. ‘Unshared Authorship’ C’est pourquoi je...

Statement concerning “Subjecter” (2012)

I have made a small series of works in the past months, which all include the word “Subjecter” in their title. With the”Subjecter”-artwork I wanted to do an artwork made with few existing elements, with direct, economic and simple means. The...

Tribute to Form (2012)

The “Gramsci-Monument” is a Form, it is a new Monument Form. It is a new Monument because of its Dedication, it is new because of its Location, it is new because of its Duration and it is new because of its Outcome. Everything related to it and coming from it is new...

I love to produce my work! (2012)

To not produce or to refuse to do something, or to not participate, can be as important as doing something. As an artist I have to confront this question every day. It is necessary to know what to produce and decide to produce or not. It is not necessary to publicize...