“Hotel Democracy”, 2003

“Hotel Democracy”, 2003 Exhibition : “Theater of Operations. The Gulf Wars 1991-2011”, MoMA PS1, Queens, 2019 Other venues : – “Common Wealth”, Tate Modern, London, 2003 – “Anschool”, Bonnefanten Museum, Maastricht, 2005 – “Anschool II”,...

“Robert Walser-Sculpture”

“Robert Walser-Sculpture” Solo exhibition – Place de la Gare, Biel/Bienne (Switzerland), 2019 Photos: Enrique Muñoz GarcíaCourtesy: the artist and ESS/SPA Swiss Sculpture Exhibitionwebsite : www.robertwalser-sculpture.com  BACK TO "EXHIBITIONS...

“Swiss Army Knife” (1998)

Group exhibition – “Atlas. Cartographie du don” Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne (Switzerland) 2019   BACK TO "EXHIBITIONS AND WORK IN PUBLIC...