Je veux ici, en quelques phrases, énoncer ma mission pour «Exhibiting Poetry Today: Manuel Joseph». La Mission que je me suis donnée – à moi-même évidemment – est de faire une exposition qui pose la question: «How to exhibit poetry today: Manuel Joseph?» Mon...
«The Bijlmer Spinoza-Festival» is one of my most demanding, one of my most difficult, one of my most challenging but also – to me – one of my most beautiful works. It is most demanding in regard to the amount of energy which was given to construct it, to organize and...
Geschmack spielt in meiner Arbeit keine Rolle – Geschmack spielt in der Kunst überhaupt keine Rolle. Das ist spätestens seit Duchamp klar, er hat dies mit seiner phänomenalen Arbeit bewiesen, dank ihm ist der Geschmack endgültig aus der Kunst verbannt. Ein Werk...
The product, shape, construct or the experience of this project should be precisely described and critically published because it is something precise, that’s exactly the point. What’s precise is my assertion that art – because it’s art –...
My proposal for the “4th Plinth” is the “John Heartfield-Memorial”. This is a temporary street altar dedicated to the artist John Heartfield (born 1891 Berlin – died 1968 Berlin) and to his work. It is a ‘Memorial’ as those made for unknown or famous people who,...