Ce que la «Robert Walser-Sculpture» a produit est extraordinaire, magnifique, inoubliable – c’est une percée. Mais il faudra – sans fausse modestie – au moins dix ans pour dire si la «Robert Walser-Sculpture» était un succès. Aujourd’hui je ne...
The workshop “ENERGY = YES! QUALITY = NO!” took place from March 2nd to March 28th, 2019. In total there were 43 workshop sessions, twice a day from 9:30 to 12:30, and from 2 to 5PM. The total number of participants that came to the workshop was more than...
Der Titel dieser neuen Arbeit ist gleichzeitig das Programm und er bestimmt irhe Mission: Die Position halten, den Standort halten, nie den Standort ‘aufgeben’, nie die Position verlassen, nie die Position ändern. “Never Give Up The Spot”...
This is a Critical-Workshop. An everyday workshop, from morning to evening. I want to invite different and diverse residents of Saskatoon to be present and to share their specific knowledge, specific skills or specific history with the other. I, myself, will take part...
“Behind Facelessness” is the title of my new exhibition at Galleria Alfonso Artiaco in Napoli.The exhibition will be constituted exclusively by “Pixel-Collage”, my most recent work. I am still working and completely engaged with the problematic of pixelation. After my...