“BANNERS” (2011) – [eng]

I made “Banners” in 2009 for the 50th Anniversary of the Guggenheim Museum New York, “Contemplating the Void: Interventions in the Guggenheim”.

Beyond my project-participation, “Banners” is for me an opportunity to give form to what I think Art can do.

1. Art – because it’s art – is resistance. Art resists facts. Art resists political, aesthetical and cultural habits. Art, in its resistance, is movement, positiveness, intensity, belief.

2. Art – because it’s art – has the power of transformation, the power to transform each human being.

3. Art – because it’s art – can create the conditions of implication – beyond everything else.

4. Art – because it’s art – is autonomous. Autonomy is what gives the artwork its beauty and its absoluteness.

5. Art – because it’s art – is universal. Universality means: Justice, Equality, the Other, the Truth, the One world.

6. Art – because it’s art – can provoke a dialogue or a confrontation from one to one.

T.H., 2011