Solo exhibitions:

“Fake it, Fake it – Till you Fake it.”, Gladstone Gallery New York

Group exhibitions:

“Masterful Attention Seekers”, MoCA Busan

“Nothing to Waste”, Jeonbuk Museum of Art




Solo exhibitions:

“DA-NACH”, IFK Vienna

10 Years “Gramsci Monument” Celebration, Bronx, New York

“POP-UP Bijlmer”, Amsterdam

“M.E.S.S.S.Y.”, Dvir Gallery, Bruxelles

Group exhibitions:

“Custom Cars Culture”, UncleBrother, Hancock (NY)

“Module of Temporality”, Kontraktova Ploshcha (Kyiv) Organized by Don’t Take Fake/ Agency, Ukraine.

“Collection”, Centre d’Art Pasquart, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland.

“Schema: World as Diagram​”, Marlborough Gallery, New York

“La morsure des termites”, Palais de Tokyo, Paris




Solo exhibitions:

“ART=SHELTER”, Dubulti Art Station, Jurmala (Latvia)

“Sas de contamination”, Collection Lambert Avignon (France)

Group exhibitions:

“Dream On”, Neon, Athens, Greece

“What a Wonderful World?“, MAAXI, Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome

“LET YOUR ( ) DO THE TALKING – eyes, knee, whatever”, Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen, Germany

“Why can’t we live together” – Sammlung Peters-Messer in Marburg, Germany




Solo exhibitions:

“Can I Trust You?”, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau (Switzerland)

“Energy = Yes! Quality = No!” (Critical Workshop), Bombas Gens Centre d’Art, València (Spain)

“The Purple Line”, Maxxi, Rome (Italy)

“I-nfluencer-Poster”, Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Naples (Italy)

“21 ans Deleuze Monument”, Avignon (France)

“Community of Fragments”, GL Strand Copenhagen (Denmark)

Group exhibitions:

“The Way Out”, steirischerherbst’21, Graz (Austria)

“Ich wollte nie eine konstruktivistin sein! Verschollene Collagen von Hannah Höch”, Kunstverein Pforzheim im Reuchlinhaus, Pforzheim (Germany)

“Helga de Alvear Collection”, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Helga de Alvear, Cáceres (Spain)




Solo exhibitions:

“Art is Necessary!”, Aubervilliers (France)

“Eternal Ruins”, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris (France)

“Flugplatz Welt”, Mudam – Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

Group exhibitions:

“SHARITY – TEILEN, TAUSCHEN, VERZICHTEN”, Kunst(Zeug)Haus, Rapperswil-Jona (Switzerland)

“Prelude: Melancholy of the Future”, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Sint-Martens-Latem (Belgium)

“Time for Outrage! Art in times of social anger”, KUNSTPALAST, Düsseldorf (Germany)

Biennale de l’Image Possible – BIP2020, Liege (Belgium)

“Drawing 2020” – Gladstone Gallery, New York (USA)




Solo exhibitions:

“Thomas Hirschhorn – Maps”, Focus sur les collections, Musée Jenisch, Vevey, Suisse

“Robert Walser-Sculpture”, Fondation Exposition Suisse de Sculpture-ESS/Stiftung Schweizerische Plastikausstellung SPA, Bienne/Biel, Suisse

Group exhibitions:

Kochi-Muziris Biennale, Kochi, India

“Hybrid Sculpture”, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

‘Speak Memory’, W139 Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

“Atlas. Cartographie du don”, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, Switzerland

“Theater of Operations. The Gulf Wars 1991-2011”, MoMA PS1, Queens, NY.




Solo exhibitions:

“Re-Sculpt”, McaM Ming Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai, China

“Never Give Up The Spot”, Museum Villa Stuck, Munich

“Robert Walser-Modell”, Robert Walser Zentrum, Bern

“Pixel-Collage”, The National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina

“What can I learn from you. What can you learn from me (Critical Workshop)”, Remai Modern, Saskatoon, Canada

Group exhibitions:

“Phantoms of Perception”, Kunstverein in Hamburg

“Catastrophe and the Power of Art”, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan

“War is over”? Art and conflicts between myth and contemporaneity”, Museo d’Arte della città di Ravenna, Italy

“The Museum Imagined. Stories from 30 years of Centro Pecci”, Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy

“The Women Behind”, Museum on The Seam, Jerusalem, Israël

“Konstruktion der Welt: Kunst und Ökonomie – 1919-1939 und 2008-2018”, Kunsthalle Mannheim

Gangwon International Biennale 2018, Gangwon, Korea.

“The Liar’s Cloth”, GRIMM Gallery, Rotterdam.

“BRIC-à-brac | The Jumble of Growth”, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome.

“Naturel pas naturel”, Palais Fesch-musée des Beaux-Arts d’Ajaccio.

“Futuruins”, Palazzo Fortuni, Venice.




Solo exhibitions:

“De-Pixelation”, Gladstone Gallery, New-York

“Pixel-Collage”, Fotogalleriet 40th anniversary, Fotogalleriet, Oslo

“Behind Facelessness“, Galeria Alfonso Artiaco, Napoli

“Pixel-Collage“, Kunsthal Aarhus, Denmark

Group exhibitions:

“Le Musée Absent“, WIELS, Bruxelles.

“Les utopies modernes”, Centre Pompidou provisoire, Malaga, Spain.

“Affect Me. Social Media Images in Art”, KAI 10 / Arthena Foundation, Dusseldorf.

“Considérer le Monde”, Musée d’art moderne et contemporain de Saint-Étienne Métropole

Biennale Kulturort Weiertal, Winterthur, Switzerland.

“Medusa”, Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris.

“La Terra Inquieta”, Triennale di Milano, Italy.

“L’autre… De l’image à la réalité 2/3 : Face à l’autre”, Maison Populaire, Montreuil.

“Pallaksh Pallaksh (I don’t know just where I’m going)”, Dvir Gallery, Tel-Aviv.

“Skulpturen aus Papier. Von Kurt Schwitters bis Karla Black“, Kunsthalle Vogelmann, Heilbronn, Germany.




Solo exhibitions:

“Pixel-Collage“, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris

“A Ruin is a Ruin“, Galerie Susanna Kulli, Zürich

“Reset-Thomas Hirschhorn Doppelgarage“, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich

“Equality Float”, Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma, Palma de Mallorca

Sommerakademie Guest curator, Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern

“New Pixel-Collage“, Dvir gallery, Tel-Aviv

“Stand-alone”, The Mistake Room, Los Angeles

Group exhibitions:

“Sperr”, Biennale 2016, Wiesbaden.

“Eine Geschichte: Zeitgenössische Kunst aus dem Centre Pompidou“, Haus der Kunst, Munich.

“The soul of money”, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague.

“Poésie balistique”, La Verrière Hermès, Bruxelles.

“Quand fondra la neige, où ira le blanc”, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice.

Bunder Kunstmuseum Museum d’Art dal Grischun, Chur.

“The Metro Is a Stranger”, Oslo

“Nothing but blue skies”, Rencontres 2016, Arles

“The End of the World”, Center for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy.

“Circular Movements”, Potsdam.




Solo exhibitions:

“6 Feuer”, n.b.k., Berlin

“Nachwirkung”, Kunsthalle Bremen, Bremen

“3 Easycollage and 6 Collage-Truth”, MAN Nuoro, Sardegna

“In-Between”, South London Gallery, London

Group exhibitions:

“[7] Orte Prekäre Felder“ Fotofestival Ludwigshaffen Mannheim Heidelberg, Kunstverein Ludwigshaffen.

“Art Station Dubulti”, Riga, Latvia

“Atopolis”, Mons, Belgium

“All the World’s Futures”, 57th Venice Biennale, Venice

“Under the Clouds”, Serralves Museum, Porto

“Invitation au voyage”, Centrale, 15 years of Prix Marcel Duchamp, Brussels

“Scenes for a New Heritage: Contemporary Art from the Collection”, MoMA, New York

“Selections from the Permanent Collection”, MOCA Los Angeles




Solo exhibitions:

“Höhere Gewalt”, Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin

“Flamme éternelle”, “L’état du Ciel”, Palais de Tokyo, Paris

“Testigo del Siglo”, MAZ, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico

Group exhibitions:

“Do objeto para o mundo”, Collection Inhotim, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

“L’avenir (looking forward)”, La Biennale de Montreal, Montreal, Canada

“Im Hier und Jetzt!“, Schweizer Kunst der Letzten 30 Jahre, Kunstmuseum Bern, Switzerland

Manifesta10, The European Biennial of Contemporary Art, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

“Ohne Achtsamkeit beachte ich alles, Robert Walser und die bildende Kunst“, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland

“Human Factor”, Hayward Gallery, London

“Van Gogh Live!”, Fondation Vincent Van Gogh, Arles

“Elevation 1049, Between Heaven and Hell”, Gstaad, Switzerland




Solo exhibitions:

“Diachronic Pool”, “Metamatics”, Museum Tinguely, Basel, Switzerland

“Gramsci-Monument”, Forest Houses, The Bronx, New York

“Break-Through”, Alfonso Artiaco, Napoli, Italy

“Collage Truth“, Susanna Kulli, Zürich, Switzerland.

Group exhibitions:

“93”, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

“Gegenwelten”, Schloss Ambras, Insbruck, Austria

“Dread – Fear in the Age of Technological Acceleration”, De Hallen Haarlem, Netherlands

“Mom, Am I Barbarian?”,13th Istanbul Biennale, Antrepo, Istanbul, Turkey

Aichi Triennale, Japan

“ICP Triennal”, New York

“Eighty-One”, London

“Nur Skulptur!”, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Germany

“Préhistoire et art contemporain, une histoire d’hommes”, Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eyzies, France

“Toda la memoria del mundo”, Casa del Lago, Mexico City

“What Makes Art”, Marta Herford, Germany

“[Un]Natural Limits”, Austrian Cultural Forum New York (ACFNY), New York

“Modernité? Perspectives de Turquie et de France”, Istanbul Modern, Istanbul, Turkey




Solo exhibitions:

“Concordia, Concordia“, Gladstone Gallery, New York.

“Timeline: Work in Public Space“, Dia Art Foundation Project Space Chelsea, New York.

“Flugplatz Welt / World Airport“, Mudam, Luxembourg.

Group exhibitions:

Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai, China

“Intense Proximity”, La Triennale, Palais de Tokyo, Paris

“Les Maîtres du désordre”, Musée du Quai Branly, Paris

“Larger than life”, Galleri 21, Malmö, Sweden

“Mit sofortiger Wirkung – künstlerische Eingriffe in der Alltag”, Kunsthalle Wien,

Vienna, Austria




Solo exhibitions:

“Kurt-Schwitters-Platform“, Hannovre, Germany

“Untere Kontrolle“, Sprengel Museum, Hannovre, Germany

“Equality Float“, La Douane, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris

“Restore Now“ Inhotim, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

“Crystal of Resistance“, Swiss Pavilion, 54th Venice Biennale, Italy

“It’s burning everywhere», Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany

“Das Auge“, The Power Plant, Toronto, Canada

“Wirtschaftslandschaft Davos“, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland

“Exhibiting poetry today: Manuel Joseph“, Ecole Régionales des Beaux-Arts, Besançon, France

Group exhibitions:

“Declining Democracy”, Centro di Cultura Contemporanea Strozzina, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy

“September 11”, MoMA PS1, Long Island City, New York

“The Uncanny Familiar. Images of Terror”, C/O Berlin. International Forum For Visual Dialogues, Berlin, Germany

“ERRE Variations Labyrinthiques”, Centre Pompidou-Metz, France

“Terrible Beauty: Art, Crisis, Change & The Office of Non-Compliance”

Dublin Contemporary 2011, Dublin, Ireland

“Kunst und Philosophie”, n.b.k. Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, Germany

“The Luminous Interval”, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain

“French Window”, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan

“Dislocation”, Kunst Museum, Bern, Switzerland

“Of Bridges and Borders”, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina




Solo exhibitions:

“Too Too-Much Much”, MDD – Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle, Belgium 

“Exhibiting poetry today: Manuel Joseph”, CNEAI, Chatou, France

Group exhibitions:

“Untitled”, Substitut, Raum für aktuelle Kunst aus der Schweiz, Berlin, Germany

“Dislocation”, Galeria Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile

“10000 Lives”, 8th Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, South Korea

“Hareng Saur: Ensor et l’art contemporain”, SMAK, Gent, Belgium

“Habiter poétiquement le monde” , LAM – Lille Métropole, (Musée d’art moderne, d’art contemporain et d’art brut), Villeneuve d’Ascq, France

“The Last Newspaper”, New Museum, New York, USA

“Intensif-Station”, K21, Düsseldorf, Germany

“Changing the world”, Arndt Gallery, Berlin, Germany

“89km. Colleccion CGAC”, MARCO, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Vigo, Spain

“Tasters’ Choice”, Stephen Friedman Gallery, Londres

“N°5”, Susanna Kulli, Zurich, Switzerland

“Perpetual Battle”, Baibakov Art Projects, Moscow, Russia

“Les Ateliers de Rennes-biennale d’art contemporain”, Rennes, France

“Contemplating the Void: Interventions in the Guggenheim Museum”, Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA

“Abstract Resistance”, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USA




Solo exhibitions:

“It’s burning everywhere”, DCA Dundee, Scotland

“The Subjecters”, Casa Encendida, Madrid

“Ur-Collage”, Susanna Kulli, Zurich, Switzerland

”Universal Gym”, Gladstone Gallery, New York

Group exhibitions:

“Investigations of a Dog”, Works from the FACE Collections, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy

“Pourquoi Attendre !”, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Genève, Switzerland

“Niet Normaal, Difference on Display”, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdan, The Netherlands

“Event Horizon”, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USA

“MOCA’s First 30 Years”, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, USA

“Images Recalled”, Fotofestival Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany

“Pièces de Résistance : Forms of resistance in Contemporary Art”, Kunstmuseum Thun, Switzerland

“Darkside II”, Photographic Power and Violence, Desease and Death Photographed», Fotomuseum Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland

“Planet of Signs”, Le Plateau, France

“T.I.C.A.B” – Tirana International Contemporary Art Biannual, Tirana, Albania

“Walking in my Mind”, Hayward Gallery, London

“The Bijlmer Spinoza-Festival”, ‘Open Source Amsterdam’, Amsterdam

“Parades and Processions : Here comes Everybody”, Parasol Unit, London

“Universal Code”, Power Plant Gallery, Toronto

“Mi Vida – Heaven and Hell”, Mücsarnok, Budapest

“One Day Sculpture”, commissioned by The Physics Room, in association with Christchurch Art gallery, Christchurch

“A House is not a Home”, La Calmeleterie – Nazelles Négrons




Solo exhibitions:

“Stand-alone”, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico

“Poor Tuning”, Kurimanzutto, Mexico

“Das Auge”, Secession, Vienna

Group exhibitions:

“Collage : The UnMonumental Picture”, New Museum, New York

“Life on Mars”, 55th Carnegie International, Pittsburgh

“Lost Paradise”, Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern

“German Angst”, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin

“7 + 1 Project Rooms”, MARCO, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Vigo, Spain

“Brighton Photo Biennial”, Brighton




Solo exhibitions:

“Concretion-Re”, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris

“Substitution”, Stephen Friedman Gallery, London

“Stand-alone”, Arndt & Partner, Berlin

Group exhibitions:

“Swiss Made+ 2, Präzision und Wahnsinn”, Kunstmuseum, Wolfsburg

“Volksgarten, Die Politik der Zugehörigkeit”, Kunsthaus, Graz




Solo exhibition:

“Superficial Engagement”, Gladstone Gallery, New York

Group exhibition:

“How to Live Together”, 27ème Fundação Bienal de São Paulo




Solo exhibitions:

“Anschool”, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht

“Utopia, Utopia= One World, One War, One Army, One Dress”, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston

“Anschool II”, Museu de Serralves, Porto




Solo exhibitions:

“Musée Précaire Albinet”, Cité Albinet, (produced by Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers), Aubervilliers

“24h Foucault”, Palais de Tokyo, dans le cadre de la Nuit Blanche

“Swiss-Swiss Democracy”, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris




Solo exhibition:

“Chalet Lost History”, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris

Group exhibition:

“Common Wealth”, Tate Modern, Londres




Solo exhibition:

“Cavemanman”, Barbara Gladstone Gallery, New York

“Doppelgarage”, Arndt & Partner, Berlin

Group exhibition:

Documenta 11, Kassel




Solo exhibition:

“Pole-Self“, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (Prix Marcel Duchamp)

“Wirtschaftslandschaft Davos”, Kunsthaus, Zürich (Preis für junge Schweizer Kunst)




Group exhibition:

“La Beauté”, Mission 2000 in France, Avignon




Group exhibition:

“Midnight Walkers City Sleepers”, W 139, Amsterdam, 1999

“dAPERTutto”, 48th Venice Biennal, Venice




Solo exhibitions:

Museum Ludwig, Cologne

The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago

The Renaissance Society, Chicago

Group exhibition:

“Premises : Invested Spaces in Visual Arts & Architecture from France, 1960’s-1990’s” Guggenheim Museum, New York

“Otto Freundlich-Altar”, Non Lieux, Kaskadenkondensator, Basel / Berlin-Berlin Biennale, Berlin

Gramercy Art Fair, Gramercy Park Hotel, New York



Solo exhibition:

“Lascaux III”, Bordeaux

Group exhibition:

“Skulptur Projekte in Münster 1997”, Münster



Solo exhibition:

“Ruheraum mit Tränen”, Galerie Susanna Kulli, Saint-Gall

Group exhibition:

“How far is Switzerland”, BBI, Fribourg



Solo exhibition:

Fri-Art, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Fribourg

Group exhibition:

“Shopping”, Bordeaux




Group exhibition:

‘Invitations’, Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris



Solo exhibitions:

“Fifty-Fifty à Belleville”



Solo exhibitions:

Colonel Fabien, Paris

Hôpital Éphémère

Exhibition in Saint-Tropez

“Travaux Abandonnés”

Group exhibitions:

Shedhalle Zürich

“En vue des fondations d’une fondation et compte-tenu de la nature des travaux”, Fondation IAC, Naussac



Solo exhibition:

Galerie Francesca Pia, Bern

Group exhibition

“La Redoute”, Tour La Redoute, Fontenay-sous-Bois



Solo exhibition:

Art Rencontres Internationales, Paris

Group exhibition

“Babylone Bobigny”, Bobigny



Group exhibition:

“Histoires d’Hôtes”, Ecole Régionale des Beaux-Arts, Poitiers



Solo exhibition:

Kaos Gallery, Koln




Solo exhibition:

Bar Floréal, Paris