“Stars in the Sky” (1994)
“Stars in the Sky” is a work I call ‘video-clip’. I wanted to make a simple, poor ‘video-clip’.
I randomly chose one of the works from the ‘Virus’ serie I was doing at the time (in 1994). I put this work on aluminum foil as a background and I filmed it. Nothing else is visible on the screen, except a part of the tape-player which is playing the music, and there is no movement during the whole duration of the video-clip.
I wanted to create a unity in time, sound and movement in relation to a work of mine – this is the mission of “Stars in the Sky”.
The music – recorded straight with the microphone of the video-camera, is a song from Iggy Pop called “Starry Night”, and “Stars in the Sky” is a sentence from the lyrics of the song.
I chose this music among a -very limited- selection of music available in an petrol station. The duration of the song sets the duration of the video-clip, thus the duration of the visibility of my work (4,45 minutes).
Thomas Hirschhorn