“New Pixel-Collage” (2016)

“New Pixel-Collage” is my most recent work. I am still working and completely engaged with the problematic of pixelation. After my exhibition “Pixel-Collage” at Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris beginning of 2016, I wanted to continue developing the thematic of pixels....

“Pixel-Collage” (2015) – [fra]

Pixel-Collage est une nouvelle série de collages. Avec ces œuvres, je veux intégrer le phénomène grandissant des images ‘sans visage’ reproduites aujourd’hui. Ce qui m’intéresse plus précisément dans cette esthétique du  ‘sans visage’ est le fait que la pixellisation...

“Pixel-Collage” (2015) – [eng]

Pixel-Collage is a new series of collages. With these works, I want to integrate the growing phenomena of facelessness in pictures reproduced today. What interests me more specifically in the aesthetic of facelessness is pixilation as its formal embodiment. I want to...

“Roof Off” (2015)

“Destruction is difficult; It is as difficult as creation.” Antonio Gramsci J’ai compris assez récemment cette incroyable obstination de Platon à démontrer que le philosophe est heureux. Le philosophe est plus heureux que tous ceux qu’on croit plus heureux...

“Nachwirkung” (2015) – [eng]

Nachwirkung is the title of my new work for the Kunsthalle Bremen. Nachwirkung creates a space in the three rooms of the Grand Gallery and points to a certain senselessness. In this work and with this work every certainty will vanish. This does not mean that there is...