Thomas Hirschhorn interviewed in October 2006 in the installation Cavemanman, part of the Walker Art Center exhibition Heart of Darkness:Paul Schmelzer: Maybe you could tell me about material: your material is really accessible. It’s not high-art material, but maybe...
1. How do you represent war in an artwork ? (should art deal with war ? how ? you think it’s your/our responsibility ?) First of all, I hope that my artwork answers this question. I do not represent war in my artwork and war is not a thematic to me. Never was...
Cher Frédéric, Je t’écris avec ces quelques phrases pour te dire ce que je veux faire chez toi au «Creux de l’Enfer». Je dis bien : que je veux faire, je ne dis pas que j’arriverai à le faire ou que le résultat reflètera ma volonté. Je veux faire «CONCRETION». Je veux...
Dear Frédéric, I’m writing to tell you with these few sentences what I want to do at your place, at Le Creux de l’Enfer. I mean: what I want to do, I do not say that I will be able to do it or that the result will reflect my will. I want to make...
The name of my project is “RE”. “RE” stands for re-visiting, re-winding, re-building or re-construction and re-flection. With this title it is clear that it’s not something new – it is something “RE”. The project “Re” is re-visiting the experience “Musée...
Chère Yvane, Cher Bruno Racine, Cher Alfred, Cher Malik, lundi, 30. 10. 2006 – je suis de retour dans mon atelier à aubervilliers, et voici ci-joints quelques phrases sur ma participation à la biennale de séville (dont vous êtes partenaire) en trois parties...