Der Titel dieser neuen Arbeit ist gleichzeitig das Programm und er bestimmt irhe Mission: Die Position halten, den Standort halten, nie den Standort ‘aufgeben’, nie die Position verlassen, nie die Position ändern. “Never Give Up The Spot”...
This is a Critical-Workshop. An everyday workshop, from morning to evening. I want to invite different and diverse residents of Saskatoon to be present and to share their specific knowledge, specific skills or specific history with the other. I, myself, will take part...
Bist Du ein Kämpfer Thomas? Wofür lohnt es sich für Dich zu kämpfen? Ja, ich muss kämpfen. Ich habe keine Wahl, ich bin ein/e Kämpfer/in. Für die Kunst muss man kämpfen. Es geht nicht ohne Kampf, mindestens nicht für mich. Ich kämpfe aber immer für etwas...
“Behind Facelessness” is the title of my new exhibition at Galleria Alfonso Artiaco in Napoli.The exhibition will be constituted exclusively by “Pixel-Collage”, my most recent work. I am still working and completely engaged with the problematic of pixelation. After my...
“De-Pixelation” is the title of my exhibition at Gladstone Gallery. I will exclusively present new “Pixel-Collage”. The exhibition will mark the ending of the “Pixel-Collage”-series that I have been working on for two years. My engagement in the problematic of...
I. DecisionII. AuthorityIII. AbstractionIV. FacelessnessV. Pushed to the edgesVI. AestheticsVII. The worst is censoredVIII. HypocrisyIX. Authenticity I. Decision I am interested in pixelation because to pixelate – or not, is always a matter of decision....