About my exhibition at the Hôpital Éphémère (1992) [eng]

About my exhibition at the Hôpital Éphémère (1992) [eng] The first time (Why I chose this exhibition as my “first exhibition”) The exhibition at the “Hôpital Ephémère” was not the first but it was one of my first exhibitions. I chose this exhibition as my “first...

Interview Victor Schmid (2020)

Interview Victor Schmid (2020) Wann haben Sie zum letzten Mal «Klartext» gesprochen? Und warum? Den Begriff ‚Klartext‘ benutze ich nie, nicht für mich, nicht für andere. Stattdessen ist ‚Klarheit‘ für mich ein wichtiger, positiver Begriff. Ich will klar sein und ich...

14 questions Magdalena Ujwa-Gawlik (2021)

14 questions Magdalena Ujwa-Gawlik (2021) 1- In recent years, largely due to the activity of the Decolonize This Place movement, the traditional museum, so far taken for granted, has been increasingly questioned. For the first time, its role in the expropriation of...