Interview Theater der Zeit (2016)

  Herr Hirschhorn, Sie sind international bekannt geworden durch die Installation „Swiss-Swiss Democracy“ im Schweizer Kulturzentrum in Paris 2004. Dort haben Sie Folterbilder aus dem Iran mit den Flaggen Schweizer Kantone collagiert und damit einen...

7 Questions Yasmil Raymond (2016)

  1) It has been two years since the closing of the Gramsci Monument in the South Bronx. There was a great number of individuals who visited the project, attended the lectures, performances and workshops. Your initial idea of proposing a new type of...

Interview with Sarah Lookofsky (2013)

Question 1:I know that you were searching for a long time for an ideal location for your Gramsci Monument in New York. What made you finally decide on the Forest Houses in the Bronx? Answer 1:The decision to do the “Gramsci Monument” at ‘Forest...