„Partizipation kann nicht provoziert werden.“ (2007)

Email-Interview mit Thomas Hirschhorn von Sebastian Egenhofer, geführt von 14.-23.9. 2007. Frage: Du machst deine Arbeit nicht allein. Sie ist eher als gefrässige Maschine konzipiert, die viel fremdes Material integriert. Die Integration kann von der Geste der...

Interview “Cavemanman” (2006)

Thomas Hirschhorn interviewed in October 2006 in the installation Cavemanman, part of the Walker Art Center exhibition Heart of Darkness:Paul Schmelzer: Maybe you could tell me about material: your material is really accessible. It’s not high-art material, but maybe...

Answers to the Tarzan & Jane project (2006)

1. How do you represent war in an artwork ? (should art deal with war ? how ? you think it’s your/our responsibility ?) First of all, I hope that my artwork answers this question. I do not represent war in my artwork and war is not a thematic to me. Never was...

Interview with Alison Gigeras for Phaidon (2004)

Alison Gingeras: You were first trained as a graphic designer, and only later did you make a conscious decision to abandon graphic design to become an artist.  Given the that your art practice is very much engaged in notions of political commitment and questions the...