“Livres parisiens” (2014)

Ma bibliothèque, je veux dire ma bibliothèque physique, de mon appartement à Paris, est – comme toutes les bibliothèques – une bibliothèque limitée, non-finie, non complète, non-achevée. De surcroît, elle est une bibliothèque non-congruente, non-classifiée...

“Corps critique” (2014)

L’art – parce que c’est de l’art – est critique, et doit être critique, c’est impératif. La question d’un ‘potentiel critique de l’art’ ne se pose donc pas et ne s’est jamais posée. L’art doit se tourner – en tant que critique – contre...


(I am aware that the term “No-Programmation” is incorrect and does not exist in English, therefore I replaced it in the texts with “nonprogramming”) Flamme éternelle (Eternal Flame) Flamme éternelle is a situation that provokes a displacement: a displacement of time,...

Why I love books and why I love these books (2014)

I love books, because I need them, I need them for my work and I need them to live. Books are a necessity. Books encourage me and books help me. A book is never unhelpful to me, a book never disappoints me. Every book is important. Every book can be important. No book...

“In-Between” (2014)

“In-Between” is the title of my new work at the South London Gallery. “In-Between” wants to give form to a kind of ‘in-between’-state, neither unconscious nor dreamy, a non-determined state, such as my indetermination when I read for the first time the quote of...